Thursday, May 7, 2015

Simplify Your Life!

With the coming of Spring and warmer weather, comes that feeling I get every year of wanting to purge - ah, Spring cleaning!  I always have a hard time with this because of trying to make the time to do what needs to be done and balancing it with everything else that life has brought on.  This year, I am going to try to make some baby steps toward downsizing my life and I am starting with these three ideas:

  • Minimize: Use less, conserve more. What can you use less of? Electricity, toilet paper, clothing, shoes, just to name a few.
  • Maximize: Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without. Basically, get the most out of your clothing, food, personal energy, resources, etc.
  • Prioritize: Make time for what matters. Eliminate things that don't. Don't waste time, money, energy, or resources on the wrong things. Do you know what matters most to you?
So, I am going to sit down and grab my 2015 "Decomposition Book" that I started in January that has all my lists and ideas and gratitudes and start a new list of things that matter to me the most on a day to day basis and things that I spend time doing that I can not do.  Sometimes it is hard, because while I would like to not spend time on my commute to and from work, I have to as part of the job that I have.  But how can I start spending that time wiser?  Is there a way I can learn something or decompress more while driving to and from home?  Perhaps.

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